Sodium Pyrosilicate – a Chemical Compound

Sodium Pyrosilicate – a Chemical Compound

Sodium pyrosilicate is the chemical formula Na6Si2O7. It is a sodium silicate, specifically a pyrosilicate, which is a salt of the unstable pyrosilicic acid H6Si2O7.…
Utilizing Antarctic Microorganisms and Computer Computations, Researchers Created a Novel Enzyme

Utilizing Antarctic Microorganisms and Computer Computations, Researchers Created a Novel Enzyme

Antarctica, the southernmost continent, is known for its extreme cold and harsh conditions. Despite its inhospitable environment, various microorganisms, including bacteria, have adapted and managed…
An Updated Bacterial Genome to Help Fight Drug Resistance

An Updated Bacterial Genome to Help Fight Drug Resistance

Antibiotic resistance refers to the ability of bacteria or other microorganisms to withstand the effects of antibiotics that were originally effective against them. It is…


Dimethylmercury, with the chemical formula (CH3)2Hg, is a highly toxic organic compound. It’s a colorless liquid with a mildly sweet aroma. Dimethylmercury is notorious for…


Diethylmercury is a flammable, colourless liquid that is one of the most potent neurotoxins known. This organomercury compound is said to have a slightly sweet…
Researchers Create Inorganic Resins for Producing and Purifying Actinium and Radium

Researchers Create Inorganic Resins for Producing and Purifying Actinium and Radium

Radium and actinium are both chemical elements that belong to the group of elements known as the actinides. These elements have unique properties due to…


Ethylmercury is a type of organometallic cation with the chemical formula C2H5Hg+. The organomercury compound ethylmercury is made up of an ethyl group bonded to…
The Capacity of Generative AI to Quicken Medication Discovery and Antiviral Development

The Capacity of Generative AI to Quicken Medication Discovery and Antiviral Development

Researchers from IBM, Oxford University, and Diamond Light Source have demonstrated in a new study that IBM’s AI Model, MoLFormer, can produce antiviral molecules for…
New Computational Method Finds Druggable Areas that were Previously Hidden

New Computational Method Finds Druggable Areas that were Previously Hidden

Cell surface receptors are specialized proteins located on the outer surface of the cell membrane. They play a crucial role in cell communication and signal…
Potassium Pyrosulfate – an inorganic compound

Potassium Pyrosulfate – an inorganic compound

Potassium pyrosulfate has the chemical formula K2S2O7 and is an inorganic compound. It is a white crystalline solid that is extremely water soluble. It is…
Potassium Bisulfate – an inorganic compound

Potassium Bisulfate – an inorganic compound

Potassium bisulfate is the potassium acid salt of sulfuric acid and is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula KHSO4. It is an acidic salt…
Focusing on Efficient Radionuclide Separation to Support a Circular Economy

Focusing on Efficient Radionuclide Separation to Support a Circular Economy

The goal of nuclear scientists is to contribute to the development of a circular economy where “waste” serves as a resource. Scientists are attempting to…
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