Conjugated Microporous Polymers

Conjugated Microporous Polymers

Conjugated microporous polymers (CMPs) are a type of porous material that is similar to zeolites, metal-organic frameworks, and covalent organic frameworks but is amorphous rather…
Highly Effective Ruthenium-Based Catalysts Using Theophylline and Caffeine

Highly Effective Ruthenium-Based Catalysts Using Theophylline and Caffeine

Researchers from the Laboratory of Catalysis at the University of Liège (Belgium), Lionel Delaude and François Mazars, have demonstrated that caffeine and theophylline may be…


A phosphoramidite (RO)2PNR2 is a phosphite diester monoamide. It’s a chemical substance that’s commonly employed in the production of DNA and RNA. The main property…
With the First Artificial Synthesis of Tanzawaic Acid B, We Move Toward New Antibiotics

With the First Artificial Synthesis of Tanzawaic Acid B, We Move Toward New Antibiotics

A significant turning point in the history of medicine was the discovery of antibiotics in 1928. Doctors now got access to a very potent and…
A New, Simple, and Accessible Method Creates Drug Structures with Increasing Potency

A New, Simple, and Accessible Method Creates Drug Structures with Increasing Potency

Many medications can be made more potent and have their qualities fine-tuned by using chemical structures called cyclopropanes, however conventional techniques to make these structures…
Condensation Polymers

Condensation Polymers

Condensation polymers are any polymers whose polymerization process involves a condensation reaction (i.e., a tiny molecule, such as water or methanol, is created as a…
Magnesium Bicarbonate

Magnesium Bicarbonate

Magnesium bicarbonate, also known as magnesium hydrogencarbonate, Mg(HCO3)2, is the bicarbonate salt of magnesium. In its pure form, it is a rare and unstable chemical.…
A Researcher Gets Ideas for Harvesting Fresh Water from Thin Air from Spider Webs and Beetles

A Researcher Gets Ideas for Harvesting Fresh Water from Thin Air from Spider Webs and Beetles

A group of scientists is developing cutting-edge technology to collect and convert liquid the water vapor in the air. Professor Michael Tam of the University…
Conductive Polymers – a type of organic material

Conductive Polymers – a type of organic material

Organic polymers that conduct electricity are known as conductive polymers or intrinsically conducting polymers (ICPs). These are a type of organic material that has electrical…


Biopolymers are natural polymers created by living organisms’ cells. These are a type of polymer created by living organisms. Biopolymers, like other polymers, are made…


Polyamide-imides are amorphous, thermosetting or thermoplastic polymers with outstanding mechanical, thermal, and chemical resistance. These are a type of high-performance engineering thermoplastic with exceptional mechanical,…
A New ‘Droplet Battery’ May Open the Door for Tiny Bio-Integrated Devices

A New ‘Droplet Battery’ May Open the Door for Tiny Bio-Integrated Devices

Researchers at the University of Oxford have made a significant advancement in the development of tiny, bio-integrated devices that can stimulate cells directly. The work…
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