Aluminium Lactate – a chemical compound

Aluminium Lactate – a chemical compound

Aluminium lactate is a chemical compound, a salt of aluminium and lactic acid with the formula Al(C3H5O3)3. It typically appears as a white or off-white…
Lithium Lactate – a chemical compound

Lithium Lactate – a chemical compound

Lithium lactate is a chemical compound, a salt of lithium and lactic acid with the formula CH3CH(OH)COOLi, an amorphous solid, very soluble in water. It…
Calcium Hexaboride – a compound of calcium and boron

Calcium Hexaboride – a compound of calcium and boron

Calcium hexaboride (occasionally calcium boride) is a calcium-boron molecule having the chemical formula CaB6. It is an essential material because of its high electrical conductivity,…
Niobium Dioxide – a chemical compound

Niobium Dioxide – a chemical compound

Niobium dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula NbO2. It is a bluish-black non-stoichiometric solid whose composition ranges from NbO1.94 to NbO2.09. It can…
Bismuth Germanium Oxide

Bismuth Germanium Oxide

Bismuth germanium oxide or bismuth germanate is an inorganic chemical compound of bismuth, germanium and oxygen. It is a compound with interesting properties, primarily used…
Nitrosyl Cyanide

Nitrosyl Cyanide

Nitrosyl cyanide, a blue-green gas, is the compound with the molecular formula ONCN. The compound has been invoked as a product of the oxidation of…
Magnesium Cyanide – a chemical compound

Magnesium Cyanide – a chemical compound

Magnesium cyanide is a chemical compound with the formula Mg(CN)2. It’s a salt of magnesium and cyanide. It is a toxic white solid. Unlike calcium…
Rubidium Carbonate – a convenient compound of rubidium

Rubidium Carbonate – a convenient compound of rubidium

Rubidium carbonate, Rb2CO3, is a convenient compound of rubidium; it is stable, not particularly reactive, and readily soluble in water, and is the form in…
Lutetium Phosphide

Lutetium Phosphide

Lutetium phosphide is an inorganic compound of lutetium and phosphorus with the chemical formula LuP. It is a compound composed of lutetium and phosphorus. The…
Lithium Phosphide – an inorganic compound

Lithium Phosphide – an inorganic compound

Lithium phosphide is an inorganic compound of lithium and phosphorus with the chemical formula Li3P. This dark colored compound is formally the lithium salt of…
Arsenic Trisulfide – an inorganic compound

Arsenic Trisulfide – an inorganic compound

Arsenic trisulfide is the inorganic compound with the formula As2S3. It is a dark yellow solid that is insoluble in water. It occurs naturally as…
Antimony Trisulfide (Sb2S3)

Antimony Trisulfide (Sb2S3)

Antimony trisulfide (Sb2S3) occurs naturally as the crystalline mineral stibnite and the amorphous red mineral (really a mineraloid), metastibnite. It is intended for use in…
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