Experts urge Scientists-in-training to include Creativity in their study Programs Professor Dr Martin Lercher of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) and his colleague Professor Dr Itai Yanai of New York University (NYU) are both interested…
Nutrient Resorption in Plants Nutrient resorption is the process by which nutrients are removed from senescent plant tissues. It works as a nutrient-conservation mechanism. It is affected by a…
Unifacial Cambium The unifacial cambium forms cells in the interior of its cylinder. It refers to a form of cambium that develops most of its cells on…
Complementary Cells Complementary cells are a mass of cells in plants created by the cork cambium at the location of the lenticels. It is a collection of…
Cork Cambium Cork cambium is a tissue that is found in the epidermis of many vascular plants. It is a form of lateral meristem that occurs in…
Vascular Cambium The vascular cambium functions as a lateral meristem. It is a form of meristem tissue present in vascular plants, specifically their stems and roots. It…
Vessel Element A vessel element (trachea) is a type of cell found in plants’ xylem, which conducts water. It is a kind of cell found in xylem,…
Companies may purchase Consumer Genetic Information, despite its limited Predictive Potential Genetics can influence one’s behavior and health, from risk-taking ability and length of time in school to the likelihood of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease or breast…
Advancing Cardiac Regeneration with Stem Cell-derived Heart Muscle Cells Regenerative heart therapies involve transplanting cardiac muscle cells into damaged parts of the heart to restore function. However, this surgery is apparently associated with a…
Researchers develop Artificial Cells that Function like Biological Cells In a new paper published in Nature Chemistry, UNC-Chapel Hill researcher Ronit Freeman and her colleagues reveal the methods they took to modify DNA and…
Scientists uncover Genetics behind the Genesis of Gliding Researchers explain the genomic and developmental origins of the patagium, a thin skin membrane that permits some mammalian species to fly through the air. People…
Discovering New Species of Australia and New Guinea’s Massive Fossil Kangaroos Palaeontologists at Flinders University have described three strange new species of huge fossil kangaroos from Australia and New Guinea, revealing that they are more diversified…