Kepler-1229b – a Super-Earth Exoplanet Kepler-1229 b is an exoplanet that circles a M-type star. It is most likely rocky and orbits within the habitable zone of the red dwarf…
HD 85512 – a Solitary K-type Main-sequence Star HD 85512 is a single K-type main-sequence star in the constellation Vela, located 37 light-years away. It is approximately one billion years older than the…
Translucent Glass Beads on the Moon’s Far Side Discovered By Chinese Rover Images from the Yutu-2 rover have showed translucent spherical and dumbbell-shaped glassy globules on top of the lunar dirt. This is the intrepid rover’s latest…
African American NASA Employees Honored In Black History Month Tribute From astronauts to engineers to mathematicians, NASA has honored some of the most renowned African Americans who have worked for the organization throughout the years.…
HD 85512 b – a super-Earth exoplanet HD 85512 b is a super-Earth exoplanet in the habitable zone of a K-type star. It is an exoplanet that orbits HD 85512, a K-type…
JWST’s First Star Sparkles 18 Times in New Image Array In the shape of a hexagonal array of photographs of a single star, JWST has taken another step toward obtaining scientifically valuable photos. The array…
Perseverance Marks Its First Martian Birthday with Record-Breaking Trek Perseverance, a NASA rover on Mars, has set a new record for the longest distance traveled by a rover on another planet. The rover moved…
Supermassive Black Hole Playing Hide and Seek Confirms Decades-Old Theory Astronomers have finally proven a notion about Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), which are galaxies’ center regions that are brighter than expected. AGNs have been classified…
Gliese 832 c – an Extrasolar Planet Gliese 832 c is an exoplanet that resembles Neptune and orbits an M-type star. It is an extrasolar planet situated about 16 light-years away in…
Gliese 832 b – an Extrasolar Planet Gliese 832 b is an extrasolar planet located around 16 light-years from our sun in the constellation of Grus, orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese…
The Strange Polygons on Pluto Now have a Scientific Explanation Pluto is alive from a geological standpoint. It’s a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, which is a ring of worlds beyond Neptune’s orbit. It…
Large Asteroid to Make Closest Pass By Earth in Over a Century Next Week At 2:54 a.m. EST on Tuesday, February 22, asteroid (455176) 1999 VF22 will travel past Earth. Because it approaches our planet and is fairly huge,…