Scientists have Discovered Gigantic Binary Black Holes

Scientists have Discovered Gigantic Binary Black Holes

Supermassive black holes have between a million and ten billion times the mass of our Sun. There are more than 150 known supermassive black holes…
Jessica Watkins Makes History as First Black Woman to Serve On ISS

Jessica Watkins Makes History as First Black Woman to Serve On ISS

NASA has a long history of breaking new ground, but some discoveries take longer than others. With the launch of NASA’s Crew-4 mission on Wednesday…
Fake Video of the Moon over the North Pole Has a Lot of People Fooled

Fake Video of the Moon over the North Pole Has a Lot of People Fooled

Many people have been duped by a false film purporting to show the Moon passing the North Pole. “The moon is at the North Pole,…
Searching for Gravitational Waves from Gigantic Black Holes

Searching for Gravitational Waves from Gigantic Black Holes

A gravitational wave travels through spacetime on a route known as a null geodesic. This is the path that a light ray traveling in the…
Gliese 581c – a Super-Earth planet

Gliese 581c – a Super-Earth planet

The planet Gliese 581c orbits within the Gliese 581 system. It is the system’s second known planet, and the third in order from the star.…
“Potentially Hazardous” Asteroid the Width of 2,000 Ferrets to Whizz Past Earth Tomorrow

“Potentially Hazardous” Asteroid the Width of 2,000 Ferrets to Whizz Past Earth Tomorrow

A “possibly hazardous” near-Earth asteroid will pass by our planet tomorrow, followed by a larger one the following week — but don’t worry, Earth isn’t…
Pulsars could be the Source of the Universe’s most Powerful Cosmic Rays

Pulsars could be the Source of the Universe’s most Powerful Cosmic Rays

The windy and chaotic remnants of recently destroyed stars could be launching the universe’s fastest particles. Pulsars are highly magnetic neutron stars that produce a…
China Plans To Smash Spacecraft into Potentially Threatening Asteroid In 2025

China Plans To Smash Spacecraft into Potentially Threatening Asteroid In 2025

In 2025, China plans to test a kinetic impactor device to modify the trajectory of an oncoming asteroid. The impactor system will feature a high-speed…
Volcanic Explosions are Most Likely the Source of this Strange Martian Mineral Deposit

Volcanic Explosions are Most Likely the Source of this Strange Martian Mineral Deposit

According to a new analysis, ashfall from ancient volcanic eruptions is the most likely source of a unique mineral deposit near the landing site for…
The Most Common Martian Aurora has been Discovered, and it Sheds Light on the Planet’s Changing Climate

The Most Common Martian Aurora has been Discovered, and it Sheds Light on the Planet’s Changing Climate

According to fresh results from NASA’s MAVEN probe, a type of Martian aurora initially observed by the spacecraft in 2016 is actually the most common…
With a New Study that Offers an Alternative Explanation, a Planetary Scientist Puts the Mars Lake Theory on Ice

With a New Study that Offers an Alternative Explanation, a Planetary Scientist Puts the Mars Lake Theory on Ice

After dazzling radar reflections were observed and initially attributed to water, scientists have been debating what might lie beneath the Martian planet’s south polar cap…
Spacex Will Not Be Making Any More New Crew Dragon Capsules

Spacex Will Not Be Making Any More New Crew Dragon Capsules

According to Reuters, SpaceX will stop producing new Crew Dragons, the spaceship that transports men to and from the International Space Station, and instead focus…
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