Westerlund 1-20 – a Red Supergiant Star

Westerlund 1-20 – a Red Supergiant Star

Westerlund 1-20, also known as Wd 1-20, is a red supergiant (RSG) in the Westerlund 1 super star cluster. This star has a volume 899…
Five Brief, Powerful Radio Blasts have been Traced to the Spiral Arms of Five Distant Galaxies, According to Astronomers

Five Brief, Powerful Radio Blasts have been Traced to the Spiral Arms of Five Distant Galaxies, According to Astronomers

Astronomers have tracked the locations of five short, strong radio explosions to the spiral arms of five distant galaxies using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. These…
A Skyscraper-Sized Asteroid is about to Whizz Past Earth today on the Fall Equinox

A Skyscraper-Sized Asteroid is about to Whizz Past Earth today on the Fall Equinox

An asteroid discovered earlier this year will come closest to Earth tonight, coincidentally at the same time as the globe is experiencing day and night.…
Westerlund 1-237 – a red supergiant in the constellation of Ara

Westerlund 1-237 – a red supergiant in the constellation of Ara

Westerlund 1-237, also known as Wd 1-237, is a potential red supergiant (RSG) in the constellation Ara. It is one of four known red supergiants…
In the Orion Nebula, Anatomy of a Protostellar Jet Impact

In the Orion Nebula, Anatomy of a Protostellar Jet Impact

The physical and chemical effects of a protostellar jet impact in the interior of the Orion Nebula have been discovered by researchers. The observations show…
Epsilon Aurigae – a Yellow Supergiant Star

Epsilon Aurigae – a Yellow Supergiant Star

Epsilon Aurigae, also known as Maaz or Almaaz, is a yellow supergiant star in the constellation Auriga. It is a multiple star system located in…
Star Births are Slowed by Supermassive Black Holes

Star Births are Slowed by Supermassive Black Holes

Astronomical research has long focused on the formation of galactic stars. Decades of successful observations and theoretical modeling have provided us with a solid understanding…
Habitable Planets are Still being Devoured by Ravenous Stars

Habitable Planets are Still being Devoured by Ravenous Stars

The orbital region around a star in which an Earth-like planet can have liquid water on its surface and possibly support life. Because liquid water…
When a Black Hole Devours a Star, This is What it Looks Like

When a Black Hole Devours a Star, This is What it Looks Like

When a black hole devours a star, astronomers refer to it as a “tidal disruption event.” The severing of the unfortunate star is accompanied by…
Astonishing Deep Space Object Discovered by Astronomers

Astonishing Deep Space Object Discovered by Astronomers

The chance discovery of a strange brown dwarf by a citizen scientist exemplifies the enticing borderline between stars and planets. Brown dwarfs, also known as…
Examining the Possibility of Life around the Galaxy’s Tiniest Stars

Examining the Possibility of Life around the Galaxy’s Tiniest Stars

The biggest, hottest opportunities in the search for habitable worlds beyond our solar system may be found around the smallest, coolest stars. These stars, known…
Mysterious Radio Wave Source inside Our Galaxy Perplexes Scientists

Mysterious Radio Wave Source inside Our Galaxy Perplexes Scientists

According to new research published Wednesday, astronomers have detected and identified a burst of cosmic radio waves within our solar system for the first time,…
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