HD 34445 f – a Neptune-like Exoplanet HD 34445 f is an exoplanet that resembles Neptune and orbits a G-type star. Its semi-major axis is 1.54 astronomical units, whereas Earth’s is 1…
The Moon’s Dustbuster has been Developed by Researchers A novel approach to the problem of spring cleaning on the moon: why not zap the grime away with an electron beam? A team led…
The Chemical and Physical Makeup of a Variety of Exoplanets known as Hot Jupiters has been Identified by a Team of Astronomers Thanks to a recent study combining theoretical modeling with Hubble Space Telescope data, hot Jupiters, gigantic gas planets that speed around their host stars in…
HD 34445 e – a Neptune-like Exoplanet HD 34445 e is an exoplanet that resembles Neptune and orbits a G-type star. HD 34445 e has a mass that is 16.822 times that…
Blue Origin’s New Shepard Carries Jeff Bezos and Three Crewmembers to Space and Back Blue Origin successfully launched its first crewed mission into space on Tuesday, carrying four human passengers into orbit, including the company’s founder, Jeff Bezos. The…
HD 34445 d – an Extrasolar Planet HD 34445 d is an exoplanet that resembles Neptune and orbits a G-type star. HD 34445 d has a mass that is 30.846 times that…
HD 34445 c – a Gas Giant Exoplanet HD 34445 c is a gas giant exoplanet in the habitable zone of a G-type star. HD 34445 c has a radius of 8.420 times…
The Presence of Airborne Dust could Indicate that Distant Planets are more Habitable Scientists have added a vital climate component, the presence of airborne dust, to our understanding of potentially habitable worlds orbiting distant stars. Dust particles can…
Potentially Hazardous” And Extremely Valuable Asteroid to Whizz By Earth This Weekend This Saturday, the asteroid 4660 Nereus will make its closest approach to Earth in decades. The trip was unusually not close at 3.9 million kilometers…
HD 34445 b – an Extrasolar Planet HD 34445 b is a gas giant exoplanet in the habitable zone of a G-type star. It is an extrasolar planet that orbits the G-type…
Field Geology near Mars’ Equator Points to a Megaflood from the Past According to data collected by NASA’s Curiosity rover and analyzed in a joint project by scientists from Jackson State University, Cornell University, the Jet Propulsion…
HD 34445 – a Star with Multiple Exoplanetary Companions HD 34445 is a star in the equatorial constellation of Orion with multiple exoplanetary companions. It is not part of the Orion constellation outline, but…