The Lifespan of Ants Can Be Tripled by a Parasite And It Really Sounds Really Good Hosting a parasitic tapeworm is rarely a pleasant situation. However, the life of an infected ant known as Temnothorax Nylander is not the same. As…
Grambank demonstrates the Richness of the World’s Languages When it comes to languages, the world is incredibly diverse. Over 7,000 languages are thought to be spoken around the world. The linguistic features, vocabulary,…
How Is It Possible For A Mirror To See Something That Is Covered In Paper? On TikTok and other video platforms, an apparently simple but really perplexing mirror experiment has gone viral. Place a piece of paper on top of…
Getting the Most Out of Your Coffee Using a simple mathematical model, researchers investigate the role of uneven coffee extraction. They divided the coffee into two sections to see if uneven flow…
‘Big Short’ Investor Predicts Impending Financial Catastrophe in Housing Markets A “Big Short” investor predicts a financial catastrophe in the housing market more than ten years after a U.S. mortgage meltdown threatened to topple the…
Media Conglomerates Turn to a Weaker Ad Market for Support as they Scramble for Streaming Earnings Media businesses now need to turn a profit after investing a lot of money over many years to assemble streaming users. And they’re increasingly leaning…
Sonomicrometry Sonomicrometry is a technique for measuring the size and motion of biological tissues such as the heart or blood vessels. It entails inserting tiny piezoelectric…
A $175 Check Signed by Steve Jobs in 1976 is Being Auctioned Off According to a check from none other than Steve Jobs that is up for sale, Apple Incorporated started off little. The check, which was written…
Gender Development Index (GDI) The Gender Development Index (GDI) is a composite measure of gender equality developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as part of its annual…
Abuse of Technology The abuse of technology refers to the negative or harmful use of technology by individuals or groups. This can include using technology to engage in…
Right to Health The right to health is a fundamental human right recognized by the United Nations and many countries around the world. It refers to the right…
Right to Education The right to education is a fundamental human right recognized by the United Nations. It states that every individual has the right to receive education,…