Frustration When any individual fails to purchase any desired product or service, he becomes frustrated. In order to reduce frustration people use different defense mechanisms. Some…
Business Organization and Management Executive Summary We have learn much about the Business Organization and Management. But we do not know how they are applied in the real lives.…
Lecture on Moral Hazard Moral Hazard the form of post-contractual opportunism that arises because actions that have efficiency consequences are not freely observable and so the person taking them…
Urban Development Directorate PART- A Urbanization & Urban area in Bangladesh Urbanization: Bangladesh Perspective Urbanization is one of the most dramatic global social transformations of the present society.…
Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha Introduction: The Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha is the capital development authority of Dhaka in Bangladesh. The important and major activities of Rajuk are Planning that includes…
What is Corporate Governance Corporate Governance is the way corporations are governed at the best interest of the stakeholders. Corporate governance represents the relationship among stakeholders that is used…
The Roads and Highways Department Introduction: The goal of the Ministry of Communications and its Departments is “The Ministry of Communications will provide the People of Bangladesh with a safe,…
What is an Agency Relationship The separation between owners and managers creates an agency relationship. An agency relationship exists when one or more persons (the principal or principals) hire another…
The Department of Public Health Engineering Introduction: The Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) is the national lead agency for provision of drinking water supply and waste management in the country…
Public Works Department Preamble: Urban life was once dull and monotonous, where it has now been boosted by unprecedented progresses. It has been possible by the urban administrative…
Industrial Attachment on Masco Industries Ltd (Part 3) CHAPTER-9 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Quality Assurance: The Quality assurance department is assigned to maintain consistently uniform quality of the material in process and various stages…
Industrial Attachment on Masco Industries Ltd Company profile: Masco Industries Limited is totally commited to its products and customers which has helped it grow from a knit fabric manufacturer to a composite…