Define Marketing Mix

Define Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix This is a traditional approach to marketing planning which is based on the four Ps: Product policy: Product is, in fact, the range…
Marketing Strategies of the Dacca Dyeing and Manufacturing Company

Marketing Strategies of the Dacca Dyeing and Manufacturing Company

The main objective of this report is to analysis Marketing Strategies of the Dacca Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited. Other objective is to assess the…
What is the Market Segmentation Policy of Igloo

What is the Market Segmentation Policy of Igloo

Igloo has designed various marketing mixes according to the different products needs and preferences with regard to the consumer market and has clustered people with…
What is the Marketing Strategy of Igloo

What is the Marketing Strategy of Igloo

No one business is large or powerful enough to create major change in the external environment. These factors are generally uncontrollable, thus market managers are…
Customer Satisfaction Through Customer Service Point

Customer Satisfaction Through Customer Service Point

The main objective of this report is to analysis Customer Satisfaction Through Customer Service Point. General objectives of this reports are the Head of HR…
Tourism Marketing for Bangladesh

Tourism Marketing for Bangladesh

The vital objective of this report is to analysis Tourism Marketing for Bangladesh. Other goal of this report is to analyze the current position particularly…
Problems and Prospects of Telecommunication Industry

Problems and Prospects of Telecommunication Industry

The principle objective of this report is to analysis Problems and Prospects of Telecommunication Industry and Marketing Strategies. General objectives of this reports are to…
Internship Report on Process and Implementation of Telemarketing

Internship Report on Process and Implementation of Telemarketing

The main objective of this report is to analysis Internship Report on Process and Implementation of Telemarketing. Other objective of this report is to understand…
How to Develop Strategic Marketing of Milk Vita

How to Develop Strategic Marketing of Milk Vita

How to Develop Strategic Marketing of Milk Vita? Strategic Marketing Activities: Marketing has got no alternatives and based on this concept marketing approach with pragmatic…
Questionnaire Format for Marketing Implication of Popular Developers

Questionnaire Format for Marketing Implication of Popular Developers

Questionnaire for Customer: NO.   Strongly agree (5) Agree (4) Uncertain (3) Disagree (2) Strongly disagree (1) 1. Do you think PDL provide an effective…
Marketing strategies of the Premier Bank Service Quality Survey

Marketing strategies of the Premier Bank Service Quality Survey

Questioner Service Quality Survey The purpose of this survey is to improve the level of customer satisfaction of Premier Bank Limited. Al information received will…
Marketing Mix Analysis of Medona Fashions Limited

Marketing Mix Analysis of Medona Fashions Limited

In making this report, here received help from several people of Medona Fashions Limited to maintain some Questionnaire based on Marketing Mix. Questionnaire format is given follow. Questionnaire Dear Respondents,…
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