Uncovered Interest Arbitrage

Uncovered Interest Arbitrage

Uncovered Interest Arbitrage is a form of arbitrage that involves switching at a domestic currency that includes a lower interest rate into a foreign currency…
Covered Interest Arbitrage

Covered Interest Arbitrage

Covered Interest Arbitrage is a strategy in that an investor relies on a forward contract in order to hedge against trade rate risk. Covered interest…
Triangular Arbitrage

Triangular Arbitrage

Triangular Arbitrage is the process of switching one currency to a new, converting it again with a third currency as well as, finally, converting it…
Volatility Arbitrage

Volatility Arbitrage

Volatility Arbitrage is a trading strategies that attempt to exploit differences between the forecasted future volatility of asset and implied volatility of options determined by…
Risk Arbitrage

Risk Arbitrage

In theory arbitrage is actually riskless, however, the entire world in which many of us operate offers few of these opportunities. Despite these types of…
Arbitrage Definition

Arbitrage Definition

Arbitrage is the simultaneous purchase and sale of your asset as a way to profit from an improvement in the price tag. It is a…
Monetary Inflation

Monetary Inflation

Monetary inflation is authentic inflation. Price increases are price inflation. Monetary inflation happens when central banks print an excessive amount of fiat currency. An excessive…
Quantity Theory of Money

Quantity Theory of Money

Quantity Theory of Money is an economic concept which proposes a good relationship between changes inside the money supply as well as the long-term price…
Current Account Definition

Current Account Definition

The current account is an important indicator about an economy’s health. It pertains to the sum in the balance of trade, net income coming from…
Global Financial System

Global Financial System

The global financial system can be split into regulated people like international banks and insurance providers; regulators, supervisors and institutions such as European Central Lender…
Securities Commission

Securities Commission

Most securities commission is semi-independent direction organizations that have a board of commissioners, generally selected by the government of the country. Securities commission is a…
Financial Regulation

Financial Regulation

Financial regulation is a form of supervision, which subjects finance institutions to certain needs, restrictions and rules, aiming to take care of the integrity of…
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