Index Fund Definition

Index Fund Definition

Index Fund ia a kind of mutual fund that has a portfolio constructed to fit or track the the different parts of a market catalog,…
Growth Investing

Growth Investing

Growth Investing is a strategy whereby a good investor seeks out stocks in doing what they deem very good growth potential. Generally a growth stock…
Contrarian Investing

Contrarian Investing

Contrarian Investing is surely an investment style that goes against relevant market trends through buying assets which can be performing poorly then selling when they…
Value Investing

Value Investing

Value Investing is the strategy of picking stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic values. Value investors definitely seek stocks of companies them to…
Statistical Arbitrage

Statistical Arbitrage

Statistical Arbitrage is a profit situation as a result of pricing inefficiencies concerning securities. Investors distinguish the arbitrage scenario through mathematical modeling tactics. Statistical arbitrage…
Earnings Response Coefficient

Earnings Response Coefficient

Earnings Response is the relationship between a firm’s equity results and any unexpected earnings announcements. A firm’s stock price is related to information available in…
Share Capital

Share Capital

In share capital cash raised by issuing shares in return for cash or some other considerations. The amount of share capital an organization has can…
Treasury Stock

Treasury Stock

Treasury Stock is the portion of shares that the company keeps inside their own treasury. Treasury stock could possibly have come from some sort of…
Capital Asset Pricing Model

Capital Asset Pricing Model

The typical idea behind capital asset pricing model is that investors must be compensated in two ways: time benefit of money as well as risk.…
Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Arbitrage Pricing Theory is an asset pricing model in line with the idea that an asset’s returns might be predicted using the relationship between that…
Alternative Trading System

Alternative Trading System

Alternative Trading System is often a trading system that is not regulated as a exchange, but is some sort of venue for matching the trade…
Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic Trading is often a trading system which utilizes very advanced mathematical models in making transaction decisions from the financial markets. The strict rules that…
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