Treasury Management in Berger Paints

Treasury Management in Berger Paints

The main objective of the study is to analyze and evaluate the treasury management procedure and performance of Berger paints Bangladesh Limited. BPBL is the market…
Capital Market Crash in Stock Market

Capital Market Crash in Stock Market

City Brokerage Limited had been set up in 2010 as a wholly owned subsidiary of The City Bank Limited to provide the capital market business requirements…
Foreign Trade Activities in Bank Asia Limited

Foreign Trade Activities in Bank Asia Limited

The report stands for foreign trade activities in Bank Asia Limited (Corporate Branch). Foreign trade operation is one of the significant functions of the bank. It…
Corporate Governance Practices of Mercantile Bank

Corporate Governance Practices of Mercantile Bank

Corporate Governance is based on several critical principles. They include an independent, active and engaged Board of Directors which has the skill to properly evaluate and…
Prospects of SME Credit Scheme of Jamuna Bank

Prospects of SME Credit Scheme of Jamuna Bank

Bangladesh is a developing country. And its economy is expanding. For that reason banking sector is also grow up very rapidly. The Banking Industry in Bangladesh…
Comparative Analysis between FDR and MIS Services in IFIC Bank

Comparative Analysis between FDR and MIS Services in IFIC Bank

Description of the Project The report has been prepared as a mandatory requirement of the Bachelor of the Business Administration (BBA) program under Department of BRAC…
Treasury Functions Analysis of Financial Performance of Banglalink

Treasury Functions Analysis of Financial Performance of Banglalink

Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd. is the second largest telecom service provider in Bangladesh. Since its inception in 2005, the company is successfully catering the market niches with…
Evolving SME Banking in BRAC Bank

Evolving SME Banking in BRAC Bank

This paper is entitled “Evolving SME Banking in Bangladesh: through BRAC Bank Ltd and its comparison with other four banks’’, originated from the fulfillment of the internship…
Current Scenario of Loans and Advances of Bank Asia

Current Scenario of Loans and Advances of Bank Asia

Objective of the report There are two types of objective of the report. They are: • Broad Objectives To understand the all procedure the bank…
Money Laundering Risk in Banking Industry

Money Laundering Risk in Banking Industry

An Overview of EXIM Bank Ltd: The EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Limited is an “Islamic Shariah based commercial Bank”, which is committed to provide high quality…
Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance

Corporate finance is the area of finance handling the sources of funding and also the capital structure of corporations and also the actions that managers…
Homo Economicus

Homo Economicus

In economics, homo economicus, or even economic human, is the concept in many economic theories involving humans as logical and narrowly self-interested actors who can…
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