Team Investigates Factors associated with a Sense of Economic Instability in Older Persons

Team Investigates Factors associated with a Sense of Economic Instability in Older Persons

Japan has the world’s highest life expectancy. However, older persons who are struggling financially may avoid receiving medical attention or using long-term care insurance. These…
Microfranchising – a Business Model

Microfranchising – a Business Model

Microfranchising is a business strategy that applies the standard franchising concept to smaller-scale firms, which are typically found in emerging economies or disadvantaged communities. It…
Inclusive Business

Inclusive Business

An inclusive business is a self-sustaining business that productively includes low-income communities in its value chain. It is also known as inclusive entrepreneurship or inclusive…
Carbon Bubble – a hypothesized bubble

Carbon Bubble – a hypothesized bubble

The term “carbon bubble” refers to the idea that there is a risk of overvaluation of fossil fuel assets, which may experience a sharp decline…
Economic Bubble

Economic Bubble

An economic bubble occurs when the prices of assets, such as stocks, real estate, or commodities, rise above their intrinsic value. A speculative bubble, also…
Economic Meltdown

Economic Meltdown

An economic meltdown is a severe and prolonged economic crisis characterized by a significant decline in economic activity, widespread unemployment, financial insecurity, and a decline…
Global Peace Index (GPI)

Global Peace Index (GPI)

The Global Peace Index (GPI) is a measure of the relative peacefulness of countries and regions around the world. The Global Peace Index (GPI) is…
Participatory Poverty Assessment

Participatory Poverty Assessment

Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) is a method for understanding poverty and its numerous dimensions through the eyes of those who live with it. It is…
International Development – a Multidisciplinary Concept

International Development – a Multidisciplinary Concept

International development, often known as global development, refers to the idea that cultures and countries have varying levels of economic or human development on a…
Regional Development

Regional Development

Regional development refers to activities and methods that aim to promote economic growth, raise living standards, and improve the general well-being of a specific geographic…
Claudia Goldin Wins the Economics Nobel Prize for Researching Women in the Workforce

Claudia Goldin Wins the Economics Nobel Prize for Researching Women in the Workforce

Claudia Goldin, a Harvard professor, was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences on Monday for increasing the world’s knowledge of women’s advancement in…
According to a Study, Forced Labor Disclosure Regulations in the Apparel Sector are Ineffective

According to a Study, Forced Labor Disclosure Regulations in the Apparel Sector are Ineffective

The Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labor in Supply Chains Act was just passed by the Canadian government. By mandating businesses to declare their…
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