Lecture on Ancient Egypt Primary objective of this lecture is to present on Ancient Egypt. Here major focus to describe on Nile River, Mummies, Pharaohs, Rameses, King Tutankhamen and Hieroglyphics. Egyptian civilization arose a bit after…
Lecture on Ancient Civilizations Prime objective of this lecture is to present on Ancient Civilizations. Here briefly describe on Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Africa, Ancient China and Ancient India Civilizations. This lecture focus to following…
Lecture on Gettysburg Battle Basic objective of this lecture is to present on Gettysburg Battle. Gettysburg is the largest battle in the history of the Western hemisphere. Over 100, 000 people died…
Lecture on American Civil War General objective of this lecture is to present on American Civil War. The Civil War is the central event in America’s historical consciousness. While the Revolution of…
San Francisco Earthquake and Wisconsin Forest Fire San Francisco Earthquake occurred April 18th 1906 San Francisco CA. Earthquake lasted only one minute. Fires broke out afterwards because of broken gas pipes and down electric…
Lecture on America’s Great Disasters Principle purpose of this lecture is to present on America’s Great Disasters. Many terrible things have happened to America and her citizens. Floods, Hurricanes, Fires, Blizzards, Explosions, Diseases. Causes…
Bangladesh National Museum Bangladesh National Museum (1983) is the successor to the Dhaka Museum. Lord Carmichael, the Governor of Bengal inaugurated the Dhaka Museum on 7th August 1913.…
Geo-Political Economy of Bangladesh under Historical Perspective Bangladesh made a remarkable progress in Geo-Political Economy of Bangladesh under Historical Perspective. In this lecture briefly describe Geo-Political Economy in Historical Preview. Here broadly explain seven…