
Sample Personal Account Closing Application to Bank Manager

Sample Personal Account Closing Application to Bank Manager

Sample Personal Account Closing Application to Bank Manager

[Here briefly focus on Sample Personal Account Closing Application to Bank Manager. An application letter from a customer to the bank manager requesting him to terminate all the accounts registered to his name. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]


Branch Manager…

Bank name…

Branch Address…

Sub: Personal Account Closing Application

Respected Bank Manager,

My name is (Your name) and I am a customer of your bank for 2/3/5 years (More/less). My account is savings one and has an ID (bank account number). (Describe in your own words). I am writing this letter to you in order to inform you that I along with my family am moving aboard next week for good. I was given a promotion from the company and I considered it. (Explain the actual cause and situation). As I am moving abroad so I want to close all the accounts in your bank registered to my name. I would also like to withdraw all the money from this account. (Exall about the situation). My ATM card and VISA card may also be terminated. As I am moving abroad next week so I want this work done as soon as possible. Doing business with your bank was a wonderful experience for me and I shall never forget it. (Describe your requirements).

I hope that you will consider my application for termination of all the accounts in light of your kind views and will act upon it as soon as possible. I shall be very thankful to you for this favor. Thanking in advance.

Yours truly,

Your name…

Contact Information and Signature…

Account Number…


Another Format,

The Manager,

ABC Bank,

XYZ Branch,

(Full postal address of the branch)

Sub: Closure of Savings / Current Bank Account (whichever applicable)


This is to request you to kindly close my account (number ************, CIF NO. *************) with your bank under the name Mr./ Ms./Mrs. [YOUR NAME], resident of [YOUR FULL POSTAL ADDRESS], which I have been holding in this branch since [ACCOUNT OPENING DATE]. (Describe in your own words). The account was inoperative for a long period of time and I regret my inabilities to continue with the same. I am also returning my pass-book, cheque book, ATM-Debit card, and credit card (whatever applicable) duly to the bank. (Explain the actual cause and situation).

I request you to please issue me a demand draft for my existing balance and solicit your kind cooperation to go through the process. (Describe your requirements). My contact number is ***** *****, and my email address is [email protected] in case you require the same.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,