
Sample New Year Letter to Employee

Sample New Year Letter to Employee

[For all of us, the New Year is a joyful time. This is the best time to add to the holiday cheer by expressing your gratitude and love for your employees by sending a Happy New Year letter to people who have worked tirelessly and sincerely for your company for an entire year. A simple New Year letter can go a long way toward inspiring your employees to work hard in the coming year. It is a simple gesture, but it goes a long way toward expressing your gratitude and making the employee feel accepted, loved, and valued. This is a great way to ensure that your employees leave the holiday blues behind and prepare for a productive year ahead.]


Sender/Your name…

Job Designation and Department name…



Receiver/Employee Name…

Job Designation and Department name…

Subject: Happy New Year

Dear Staff Members/name:

The New Year inevitably brings a lot of prosperity for (name if the company) because of the wonderful work it has performed in YYYY! (Describe in your words). Let me take this opportunity to wish a very Happy New Year to all of you.

Let’s embrace YYYY with open arms and start it with a firm commitment and enthusiasm! (Show your gratitude)

Since you all are an essential part of the success of (Company/institute name), I would personally like to thank you all for your non-stop collaborative efforts to obtain our common goals. (Write your expectations).

Please accept my best wishes for the New Year YYYY. (Cordially describe your greetings). I am positive that you will return to work with great spirit and motivation to take up the next challenges.

Sincere regards,

Your Name…

Company/Institute Name and address…

[Sign Here]

Another Format,


Subject: Happy New Year

Dear staff members,

As this new year marks a new beginning in our life, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your excellent performances last year. (Describe in your words). Last year has been a great year as far as achieving our targets are concerned

We have a huge number of projects coming up next year, and I am sure that with all your dedication and determination, we will be able to complete those also in time. (Show your gratitude). I thank you all for your support and hope this relationship continues, and we achieve success together.

My best wishes to you and your families for a safe, happy holiday season and a happy new year. (Cordially describe your greetings).

Yours Sincerely,

Your Name…

Company/Institute Name and address…