
Sample Job Offer Letter Template

Sample Job Offer Letter Template

[A job offer letter is a formal written letter sent by a company to a job candidate who has been chosen for the position. An offer letter is a letter that is typically written to offer a job position or offer to someone who has previously applied for it. Human Resources or Recruitment departments of companies write offer letters and send them to those they believe will be suitable for a specific position in the company or organization. Offer letters are primarily used to congratulate the recipient and inform him or her of their acceptance for the position. Some offer letters will also reveal position details or invite the interviewee to a meeting to discuss the same. Offer letter contains their designation, Salary structure, rules and regulations of the organization etc.]


Sender/Your Name…

Job designation and Department name…

Date- DD/MM/YY


Receiver/candidate name…

Home/office address…

Subject: Offer Letter (Write your topic)

Dear Mr./Ms. [Name of interviewee],

It gives us, at [name of company] great pleasure to inform you that we think you’re appropriate for the position of (Job Designation) as you have applied. (Describe in your words). We are writing you this letter to officially offer you this position. (Explain all about job offer).

You will be expected to start work from this [mention day and date]. (Describe all about the situation). We shall also be having an orientation on work ethics this [mention day and date].

The team at (company name), congratulates you heartily and wishes you all the best for your future decisions. (Cordially describe your greetings and recommendations). We hope you will join us and partake diligently in our aims and objectives.


Best wishes,

 [Name and designation]

Contact Info. and Signature…

Another Format, [Email Format]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

Subject: Offer Letter (Write your topic)

Dear (receiver name),

We have really enjoyed speaking with you and getting to know you over the course of the last few weeks. (Describe in your words). The team and I have been impressed with your background and approach and would love to formally offer you a position as a [job title] at [company name].  (Describe all about the situation).

We can offer you a [$X] annual base salary [bonus and equity information, if equitable]. (Explain all about job offer). We offer [benefits details] and [number of days] of vacation per year. We can discuss start dates based on what is possible on your end, but we’d be excited to have you start as soon as possible [on XYZ date]. You have been very patient and cooperative throughout the selection process and we appreciate it.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss the offer in more detail. Please feel free to get your queries cleared. (Cordially describe your greetings and recommendations). We would be thrilled to welcome you to the team!

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

[Name and designation]