
Request Letter for Personal Loan

Request Letter for Personal Loan

Request Letter for Personal Loan

[Writing a letter wherein you ask for a loan is not a difficult task though a few guidelines should be followed. Here briefly focus on the sample Request Letter for Personal Loan.  Banks usually do not require a letter to obtain a personal loan, but other financial institutions require a letter. The bank only needs to know your reason for applying for the loan and how you would repay the debt, nothing else. The letter needs to mention your loan and then also mention your capability to repay the loan. You can make changes as per your requirements.]


Receiver/Authority name…

Bank/Institute name…

Date” DD/MM/YY (Date on which letter is written)


Sender/Your name…

Home/Office Address…

Sub: Request for Personal Loan (Purpose)

Dear (Sir/name),

I would like to bring to your kind attention that I have recently submitted documents for the (Project type/purpose). I would need a personal loan to make the payment for the same. (describe in your words). I am enclosing all the documents for your reference pertaining to (Department name). I would be very thankful to you if you could arrange the loan at the earliest as I am an account holder in your branch. (Explain your requirements). My account no. is (******/***).

I look forward to having a prompt action from you regarding this matter. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). Please feel free to call me regarding any clarifications.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Your name…

Home/Office Address…

Contact info. and Signature…


Another format, [Email format]

TO: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

Sub: Requesting for a personal loan

Dear (Sir/name),

I want to bring to your kind attention that I am holding a saving account in your bank, my account no. is (***/***). (Describe in your words). My son has applied for the management course in one of the best universities in (City name), and he has cleared the entrance of the same. (Describe actual cause and situation). Massive investment is involved in his admission. Therefore, I need a personal loan of (Money amount) for the same. (Explain your requirements). I am enclosing all the relevant documents for the application of the loan. I hope you will consider our request on a top priority basis and arrange a personal loan for us at the earliest. It is a matter of my son’s future. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation).

I look forward to having a prompt action from you regarding this matter.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Your name…

Home/Office Address…

Contact info…