Plants and Animals

Puppies are Born Ready to Interact with Humans, Very Important Study Finds

Puppies are Born Ready to Interact with Humans, Very Important Study Finds

Puppies are human best friends According to a very important study, they are born ready to understand us, able to communicate and communicate with humans at a very young age without the need for any formal training. Both the person’s behavior and social status will influence this behavior, but researchers have found that only eight-week-old puppies can look at a person’s face when talking to humans and recognize it when people are pointing at objects – the signs they tell us through body language. Can communicate with – and genetics play a huge role in this, perhaps the pet dog has been our best friend for thousands of years.

The study, published in Current Biology, found that more than 40 percent of puppies’ ability to follow puppies shows that they can draw attention to themselves when talking to anyone and fall into genetics alone. “These are quite high numbers, which is equivalent to estimating the intelligence potential of our own species,” said Emily E. Bray, lead author at the University of Arizona. “All these inquiries indicate that dogs are biologically ready to communicate with humans.” Bra and colleagues have been working with Canine Companions, the largest service dog organization in the United States for people with physical disabilities for over a decade, conducting research on how dogs think and solve problems.

The human-dog relationship dates back millennia – something domesticated at some point 14,000-30,000 years ago – and the dog evolved with us in response to this relationship, in more recent times, humans have actively selected and bred dog breeds for specific traits, despite the fact that they are often harmful to dogs and humane. However, it is clear that dogs have the ability to communicate with humans, understand body language, and some of them have spoken words, better words than any other species, including our closest primate relatives, although this ability is still a mystery.

To find out, Bray and colleagues studied 375 gold retrievers and Labrador trainee service pips (some people are lucky). At eight weeks of age they are old enough to be inspired by food rewards (behaviors are key to dog research, they were smart in this discussion). These puppies kept through extensive training to become service animals, but at eight weeks, they usually talk to their littermates and perhaps to humans in some short time. Bra and colleagues conducted established experiments for human-dog communication, including focusing on where to find a hidden treat and testing their interest in eye contact.