When Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana, an alligator attacked a local man, making the already perilous hurricane much more dangerous. The same gator is believed to have been captured since then, and a necropsy indicated that it had human remains in its stomach. The investigators are now awaiting confirmation of the person’s identity from a coroner. On August 30, a unique attack occurred outside Timothy Satterlee Srresidence. .’s The Charlotte Observer reports that Satterlee’s wife observed the incident and sought to help him by bringing him onto their front steps. She then fled to seek assistance, but when she returned, he had vanished.
In an effort to provide closure to Satterlee’s family, St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s officers initiated a complete investigation, promising to use all available resources and manpower to find out what happened to him.
Fearing that the alligator had kidnapped him, a search was launched, and it was soon discovered that a big beast was living in a nearby stream. Traps were placed with the help of professional nuisance hunters in order to look for the animal’s remains.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries have now revealed that an alligator has been caught near Satterlee’s residence. The beast was massive, measuring 3.7 meters (12 feet) in length and weighing 229 kilograms (504 pounds). When the gator died, a necropsy indicated that human remains were found in its stomach.
Sheriff Smith wrote on Facebook, “This is a terrible loss, and my greatest thoughts and sympathy go to the Satterlee family.” “I understand that today’s conclusions will not bring their loved one back, but maybe they will be able to find some closure as a result of this.” I am quite proud of my deputies’ tireless efforts and those of the other agencies that aided them, and I hope that their perseverance in locating this alligator will aid the family in coping with their loss. We’ll keep them in our thoughts and prayers.”
While alligators are dangerous predators, human deaths from them are extremely rare. Between 1999 and 2019, ten individuals were killed by alligators in the southeastern United States, according to research by Live Science. This puts the number of fatalities in the same league as dog attacks and even lightning strikes.