Human Resource Management

Employee Remuneration

Employee Remuneration

Employee renumeration is defined as, “the reward or compensation given to the employees for their work performances,” according to Management Study Guide. Renumeration is a method of promoting morale, increasing motivation and foster team cohesion. Ther two main types of employee renumeration are piece rate method and time rate method.

There are mainly two types of Employee Remuneration

  1. Time Rate Method
  2. Piece Rate Method

These methods of employee remuneration are explained below in detail

Methods of Employee Remuneration
  1. Time Rate Method: Under time rate system, remuneration is directly linked with the time spent or devoted by an employee on the job. The employees are paid a fixed pre-decided amount hourly, daily, weekly or monthly irrespective of their output. It is a very simple method of remuneration. It leads to minimum wastage of resources and lesser chances of accidents. Time Rate method leads to quality output and this method is very beneficial to new employees as they can learn their work without any reduction in their salaries. This method encourages employees unity as employees of a particular group/cadre get equal salaries.There are some drawbacks of Time Rate Method, such as, it leads to tight supervision, indefinite employee cost, lesser efficiency of employees as there is no distinction made between efficient and inefficient employees, and lesser morale of employees.
  2. Piece Rate Method: It is a method of compensation in which remuneration is paid on the basis of units or pieces produced by an employee. In this system emphasis is more on quantity output rather than quality output. Under this system the determination of employee cost per unit is not difficult because salaries differ with output. There is less supervision requader this method and hence the per unit cost of production is low. This system improves the morale of the employees as the salaries are directly related with their work efforts. There is greater work-efficiency in this method.

Employee Remuneration