
Email for Missed Exam due to Accident Previous Day

Email for Missed Exam due to Accident Previous Day

Email to Class Teacher for Missed Exam due to Accident Previous Day

[This a sample Email to Class Teacher for Missed Exam due to Accident Previous Day. If you miss an examination and fall under this circumstance, like car/bike/bus or any type of transport accident, you must submit an Email application for deferred examination and upload supporting documentation. You will need to ensure your application for a deferred exam is submitted within a few working days as the institute’s regulation of the missed exam. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]


to, Principle/Class teacher Email Address…

from, Your Email Address…

Sub: Missed Exam Due to Accident Previous Day

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I couldn’t take my (Subject name) Exam on (date: DD/MM/YY) as I was fall in car/bike accident. I was completely prepared for the paper but on the last moment, I fall in this trouble.  I was involved in a car accident this morning, and thankfully no one was seriously hurt. Not my fault, but I will not go into details. (Describe in your own words).

When I got home I tried to study for my exam tomorrow, but I don’t have the energy, or concentration to work on it. First, I thought it was due to nervousness and exam pressure so I didn’t take it seriously. It all happened so suddenly that I had no time to inform the administration of the school. (Explain the actual cause and situation). I can take my discharge paperwork with me, and the request forms the accident report. I would get my own copy of the report for 4 days.

Furthermore, I am in the top 5% of my class students and I don’t was this situation to affect my academic record. I request you to reschedule my (Subject name) exam on another day as mocks examination is very important for my university applications too. (Cordially describe your requirements). As proof, I will attach the medical certificate which can be forwarded to the head office.

I am looking forward to your response. If you help me through this problem, I would be very thankful to you.

Yours Sincerely,

Your name…

Student I.D.

Class/Grade name…

Roll/Registration no…