
Demand Curve How Zapier acquires customers via its homepage

Demand Curve How Zapier acquires customers via its homepage

The site of your business should do two things: (1) clearly describe what you provide, and (2) convert visitors into engaged prospects. Before you worry about marketing, devote the resources to improve your website if visitors are confused or it is unable to convert. Start by looking at the websites of established firms in your field for ideas for your startup’s website. Because larger businesses have the means to test and optimize their websites for conversion, you will not have to figure it out yourself.

This essay will deconstruct the homepage of Zapier, a SaaS platform with millions of users and over 3,000 app integrations. This Zapier site teardown covers all of the important areas so you can apply the conversion methods and copywriting ideas to your startup’s homepage.

The above-the-fold (ATF) part of a homepage is the section that viewers see first before scrolling down. It is critical that you nail this area, since if it is not captivating, no one will read the remainder of your landing page. We will look at the header, subheader, and call to action sections of Zapier’s ATF section separately.

The header’s objective is to convey what your company does and why it matters. It must be simple to comprehend at a glance. Trying to design a smart header is one of the most common mistakes we see entrepreneurs make. If you want to attract clients, choose clarity above inventiveness. In around ten easy phrases, the finest headers can do this. In three words, Zapier outlines what their software does: “Connect your apps.” Then, in two words, they explain why it matters: “Automate processes.” The inference is that using Zapier will save you a lot of time.

Start by drafting at least 10 variants of your header and sharing them with friends and coworkers who are not in your sector. Your header should be straightforward enough for everyone to comprehend what you are selling. Unless it is a major competitive advantage, avoid using industry jargon. Both the header and the subheader should be complementary. The header describes what you do, and the subheader describes how you go about doing it.

The subheader should support the claim made in the header by describing how your organization will follow through on the promise made in the header. Explaining how it works is crucial for conversion because visitors need to know you have a well-thought-out answer to their concerns. Avoid using technical language in the subheader once more. You are attempting to stimulate your reader’s attention rather than offer them something.