Wildlife can be a wonder to be surprised and an unforgettable experience to be attracted by the presence of endangered species. Unfortunately, as a homeowner in the town of Tehachapi, California, such recent clashes have not always been pleasant, when a swarm of critically endangered California condos recently landed on their property.
As the largest flying bird in America, it is probably not so surprising that crowds of rare visitors were able to carry out such carnage. You probably don’t mind comforting yourself by facing up to about 20 birds to break into your home. Far from the norm, despite having a gang of endangered birds criticized for fighting with your decking, the homeowner’s daughter – Sana Lin was able to find a silver lining for the condor cloud.

Lynn wrote on Twitter, “The wildlife in my life that left about 25 condoms alive in my lifetime has now gone to almost everyone who came down to my mother’s house together,” Lynn wrote on Twitter. “What makes me even more surprised is that as their numbers increase we will start to see more giant flocks (I’ve only seen 3-4 in his house before).” California condors are important in American culture – but as European settlements began to move across North America, their numbers declined.
As a result of feeding border-based ammunition-hunting corpses, their declining populations fall prey to lead poisoning. These were added to the U.S. Endangered Species List in 1967, but returned significantly thanks to a breeding program. These giant carnivores have wingspans of three meters (ten feet) and are known for their circular flight which can take them up to 4,500 meters (15,000 feet).
Lynn’s mother can tell the truth, as the Condor crowd was seen circling overhead violently, no doubt to turn around a few more pots. After witnessing the incident on Twitter, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) stepped in to give an explanation as to why the swarm landed on the property.