
Nature of Management Development

Nature of Management Development

Nature of Management Development

Management development is a systematic process of management training and growth by which individuals (aspiring to rise on the ladder of management) gain and applies knowledge, skills, insights, and attitudes to manage managers, workers, and work organizations effectively.

The nature and characteristics of management development are as follows:

  1. Behavioral Change

The management development process focuses on the change in manager’s behavior. This change implies that there will be a change in knowledge and attitude of managers going under development programs.

  1. Educational Process

Management development is an educational process rather than training. It focuses on overall personality development. The potential managers required to have knowledge of business, environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and so on, which is possible through a continuous development process.

  1. Self-development

Managers develop themselves by participating in the management development programs organized by the company. Through the actual job performance, they can obtain real and authentic job experience. But the managers should be motivated for self-development and learning activity as the company can merely provide such opportunities. It means, the real inspiration of self-development should arise from the individuals.

  1. Continuous Process

Management development is a continuous process which begins by looking after the organization’s objectives, moves through the assessment of current management process, and finally completes the evaluation of the changed behavior. However, this process goes continuously as the demand for development.

Management or executive development is an organized and planned process and program of training and growth by which individual manager or executive at each level of management hierarchy gains and applies knowledge, skills, insights, and attitudes to manage workers and the work organizations effectively.


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