
Annual Report 2015 of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)

Annual Report 2015 of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)

It is a broadly described annual report of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) in the year of 2015. ICB paid an amount of Taka. 214.03 Crore to the National Exchequer, of which Taka. 51.26 Crore as the dividend, Taka. 74.40 Crore as corporate tax, Taka. 87.01 Crore as source tax and Taka. 1.36 Crore as Excise Duty & Vat. The operating profit of the corporation in the year was Taka. 489.86 Crore. After deduction of income tax and other provisions, net income stands at Taka. 406.73 Crore, which is higher than that of FY 2013-2014 by 30.98%. A good to Taka 7.10 in the reporting year as compared to the corresponding figure of Taka. 5.99 in the previous year (restated). The paid-up capital of the corporation is increased to Taka. 632.81 Crore from Taka. 421.88 Crore during the same period.

The Board of Directors has recommended the declaration of cash dividend @ 35%. This decision on dividend needs approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. The total dividend payout will be Taka. 221.48 Crore for 2014-15 compared to Taka. 189.84 Crore disbursed for 2013-14, an additional cash outflow of Taka. 31.64 Crore (16.67%).

More Annual Report of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB):

  1. Annual Report 2014 of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)
  2. Annual Report 2015 of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)