
After Sales Thank You Letter

After Sales Thank You Letter

After Sales Thank You Letter

[Here briefly focus on sample After Sales Thank You Letter format. Sales thank you letter is written to express your gratitude towards your customer for purchasing at your store. This will make the customers feel special, and they will be glad to receive the letter. You can modify these sample as your requirement.]


Receiver/Customer name…

Home/Office Address…

Date: DD/MM/YY


Sender/Your Name…

Owner/Service Manager,

Store/Shop name…

Sub: Sincere thanks for the purchase of (Product name)

Dear (Sir/Name),

We at (store name) would like to thank you for choosing us for the purchase of your (Product name). I assure you, you have made a wise decision by selecting our store. (Describe in your words). Our service center will deliver you exceptional technical support, (Service type) as and when needed. (Describe after-sales and service policy).

Please feel free to forward your suggestions or feedback at our email-ID mentioned on your product, overleaf. (Cordially describe your requirements). Our company aims at improving ourselves as far as customer service is concerned. We always try our level best to come up with our customer’s expectations. (Describe your greetings).

It would be a pleasure for us to serve you again.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

Your name…

Service Manager (Job Designation).

Store/Shop name…


Another format, [Email Format]

From: Sender mail Address, [email protected]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

Subject: Sincere thanks for the purchase of (Product name)

Dear (name/Sir),

Thank you for your order!

We humbly express our gratitude towards you for the purchase of (Name the product/service) from (Name of your store). We assure you; you will not face any inconvenience as far as customer service is concerned whether it is pre-sales or post-purchase. (Describe in your words). You have made a wise decision of selecting our store among so many. The product you have bought has excellent applications; please browse through the same. (Describe after-sales and service policy).

We welcome your suggestions and feedback on your customer service experience at our store. (Cordially describe your greetings). This will help us in improving ourselves to serve you in a much better way.

Looking forward to serving you again,

Yours truly,

Your name…

Store/Shop name…