
Adding Positive and Negative Integers

Adding Positive and Negative Integers

Adding Positive and Negative Integers

If one of the integers is negative, subtract the absolute value of it from the other number. Example: 14 + (-6) = 14 – 6 = 8

If both of the integers are negative, add their absolute values and prefix the number with a negative sign.

Rule 1: Adding positive numbers to positive numbers—it’s just normal addition.

For example: this is what you have learned all along. 3 + 2 are two positive numbers. You can calculate these problems the way you always have: 3 + 2 = 5.

Rule 2: Adding positive numbers to negative numbers—count forward the amount you’re adding.

This is where it gets a little harder. Pay close attention to where the negative signs are placed in the problem.

For example: -6 + 3. This would reading “negative six plus three”. The best way to think about this problem is to use a number line that extends to the negative numbers.

You’re starting with the negative number -6.

And you’re adding three to that number, which means you are moving three spots to the right.

The answer is -3. -6 + 3 = -3.

Rule 3: Adding negative numbers to positive numbers—count backwards, as if you were subtracting.

Now, let’s look at the reverse equation. When you are adding a negative number to a positive number you are effectively subtracting the second number from the first.

For example, take 4 + (-2). How does that look on the numbers line?

You start at 4.

And then you add the negative number, which means you are moving to the left – in the negative direction. Basically you are subtracting the 2.

The answer is 2. 4 + (-2) = 2.

Rule 4: Adding negative numbers to negative numbers— treat the problem like subtraction (counting backwards).

When you are adding a negative number to a negative number, it becomes subtraction, where you start from a negative point on the numbers line and move left.

For example, -3 + (-2). This reads “negative three plus negative 2”. You need to ignore the plus sign and recognize that the second negative means you are subtracting that number.

We’re starting at -3.


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