Determining Percentage Determining Percentage Percent means “for every 100” or “out of 100.” The (%) symbol as a quick way to write a fraction with a denominator…
Comparing Decimal Numbers Comparing Decimal Numbers If there are two decimal numbers we can compare them. One number is either greater than, less than or equal to the…
Calculation of Sales Tax Calculation of Sales Tax A sales tax is the money paid to a government for the sales of certain goods and services. Usually the laws…
Trigonometrical Identity Trigonometrical identity An equation which is true for all values of the variable involved is called an identity. An equation which involves trigonometric ratios of…
Place Values of Decimals Place Values of Decimals Decimals are numbers with one visible point or dot somewhere in the number. This point is called the decimal point. If…
How to Solve a Linear Inequation Algebraically? How to Solve a Linear Inequation Algebraically? A linear inequation is a linear expression that contains relational symbols. That means that instead of =, you’ll…
Rounding Decimals Rounding Decimals Rounding means making a number simpler but keeping its value close to what it was. The result is less accurate, but easier to…
Differences between Equation and Inequation Differences between equation and inequation Equations and inequation are both mathematical sentences formed by relating two expressions to each other. We have seen that equations…
Decimals of Thousandths Decimals of Thousandths When we write numbers with thousandths using decimals we use a decimal point and places to the right of this decimal point.…
Replacement Set and Solution Set in Set Notation Replacement Set and Solution Set in Set Notation Replacement Set: It is a set of elements any one of which may be used to replace…
Linear Inequalities in One Variable Linear Inequalities in One Variable The mathematical statement which says that one quantity is not equal to another quantity is called an inequality. As the…
Relating Fractions to Decimals Relating Fractions to Decimals Decimals are a type of fractional number. Decimal fractions always have a denominator based on a power of 10. For examples,…