Camel Milk is a Fantastic Alternative to Regular Dairy In addition to being hypoallergenic, camel milk could potentially protect the gut from harmful enzymes and create healthier digestion. New research from Edith Cowan University…
Low-saturated-fat, Plant-rich Diet linked to Less Severe Psoriasis A diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy foods and lean meats, low in salt and sugar, is associated with reduced psoriasis severity,…
Ideas for Research on how AI affects the Mental Health of Young People A new peer-reviewed paper from experts at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, highlights the need for a clear framework when it comes to…
According to Study, Virtual Breathing Coach can be just as Successful as Real Trainer A study by Aston University researchers suggests that a computer-generated breathing coach could be as effective as sessions with a human trainer. A breathwork trainer…
Irrespective of Total Body Weight, Fatty Muscles increase the Risk of Severe Heart Disease People with pockets of fat hidden inside their muscles are at a higher risk of dying or being hospitalised from a heart attack or heart…
How better Education could help close Maternal Heart Health Inequalities Research has established a clear link between racial and ethnic disparities in maternal heart health and higher risks of preterm birth, preeclampsia and cardiovascular issues…
Heart Disease continues to be the Leading Cause of Death, while important Health Risk factors increase Heart disease kills more people than any other cause as many of the risks factors that contribute to it remain on the rise, according the…
Why Fatal Heart Disease is identified in more Men than Women Women may be missing a diagnosis of a potentially deadly heart condition due to guidelines that don’t account for natural differences in sex and body…
Exercise enhances Brain Function and may lower the Risk of Dementia A study led by scientists at Rutgers University-New Brunswick has shown that specialized cells involved in how the body responds to insulin are activated in…
Treatment for Obese Children has Long-term Effects When children with obesity undergo weight-loss treatment, the effects have repercussions later in life and the risk of serious health problems and premature death is…
Muscle Mass and Strength can be increased by Electrifying your Workout If building strength and muscle mass is part of your New Year’s Resolution, you may want to add a new routine to your workout. Neuromuscular…
Weight Loss App that monitors Meal Protein and Fiber Content Many people struggle to maintain a healthy weight, and choosing the optimal meals for weight loss can be challenging. A research team at the University…